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online portal
‘Stanley the Tiger’
Can be a bit fast and knock other people over but he is developing his social skills and his keyperson is very proud of him.
Don’t miss out on the small things
Do you want to know what your child did today at nursery? Would you like to be able to contribute to your child’s learning journey and see what milestones they are currently working towards? At D-Dee’s Day Nursery we use Blossom as our record keeping system. Blossom not only keeps us in contact with families daily but also enables key persons to send up to date observations, videos and photographs directly to the Blossom app on your phone.
Our Little Ones' Best Bits
Sometimes we catch great moments of our little ones on camera! Here are some of our latest snaps
Working with you.
Your child’s keyperson will work with you to ensure both your child and you as a family settle into nursery life. We have an open door and love nothing better than to share all of the amazing things your child does with us. We will endeavour to do the following to work in partnership with you
Give you time for personalised handovers at the beginning and end of each session.
Provide individual settling sessions that work for you and your child.
Support our parents when introducing their child to our setting.
Signpost to outside agencies to support families as necessary.
Invite you into the setting where possible.
Work with you if your child needs extra support.
Be a listening ear and offer support for things such as sleep routines, building relationships and transitions.
Always make time for you to come and see us.
Remember that you are your child’s first educator and know them best of all.